A downloadable project for Windows and macOS

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/fgF6cYAqfWhcR3dwUFswDA/acad415-proj-1?type=design&node-id=67%3A755&mode=design&t=9tvKC5OLNUfWxG3e-1

Jot is designed to be the first place you go to capture an idea, and to help you offload it to it's final destination. It's three core features are:

  1. Quick capture — capture a note via any medium (text, speech, visual) 
  2. Auto-processing — summarize or clean up a note using LLMs and custom prompts
  3. Auto-archiving — send the final note to existing databases in other apps

This build is the onboarding process for the app.


jot_mac.zip 23 MB
jot_win.zip 27 MB

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